Edward is an English photographer born on 9th April 1830 and died 8th May 1904. Edward James Muybridge is known for capturing the first horse in motion in 1878. He was hired by the former government of California. He had a question whether all the horses legs were off the ground when running so to find out they hired Edward to take series of pictures to prove this and he was successful capturing the horse with all four of its legs of the ground, and they wanted to go further with this experiment so what Edward did was, he went to a horse racing track and took 24 cameras, he then lined them up in a line with equal distances, he also came up with a trigger so when the horse runs passed them, it will trigger the cameras. The cameras caught all the movement of the horse, they then discovered that if you put all these pictures in order you will have a moving picture. This became the first motion picture which was done by Edward Muybridge.
Edward Muybridge
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